Products & Services

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Portable Type Crack Detectors

MAGNO - MASTER 1500 has been specially designed for use as a portable unit. It is normally supplied for table mounting and can be lifted by handle by one man. The accessories are contained in a sturdy canvas bag. A special box type trolley with locking arrangement for accessories is available as an optional accessory. A pram type trolley for easy maneouvrability is also available. The equipment is suitable for detecting all surface and sub - surface cracks upto a depth of 6 mm in ferro - magnetic objects of any shape and size. Demagnetisation is achieved by the suitable diameter. Facility for remote control operation has been provided.

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Mobile Type Crack Detectors

[Mobile Type Crack Detectors]

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MAGNO - VAN - 2500 WG has been specially designed for use as a mobile unit. It is mounted on a wagon with two sturdy rubber wheel and a V rest. The equipment is easily pushed around and manoeuvred into desired position by one person. The equipment is suitable for detecting all surface cracks and sub - surface cracks upto a depth of 6 mm in ferromagnetic objects of any shape and size. Demagnetisation is achieved by coil or prod method. Facility for remote control operation has been provided. Mobile units with outputs upto 6000 Amps are in our regular line of production

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Oil Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection Automation

Stationary unit of contact and coil type in the medium range Output of 2500 Amp in 6 steps for longitudinal magnetisation. Suitable for detection of surface and near surface crecks in ferro-magnetic components upto 1000 mm long. 80 mm dia and 50 k weight. Facility for combined magnetisation by simultaneous application of circular and longitudinal fields provided. Dark room an integral part of the unit. Demagnetisation by separate demagnetiser. HWDC facility for detection of sub-surface cracks and inclusions provided optionally.

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Yoke Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection

Stationary unit of contact and yoke type in the medium range. Output of 2500 Amp Ac in 6 steps for circular magnetisation and 15 kilo Ampere Turns DC in 6 steps for longitudinal magnetisation. .Suitable for detection of surface and near surface cracks in ferromagnetic components upto 600 mm long. 80 mm dia and 50 kg weight. Facility for combined magnatisation by simultaneous application of circular and longitudinal field provided. Dark room an integral part of the unit. Demagnetisation by separate damagnetiser. HWDC facility for detection of sub-surface cracks and inclusions provided optionally.

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The demagnetiser comprises of a coil through which AC at mains frequency is passed. The job to be demagnetised is pulled out of the coil along its longitudinal axis and kept at a distance beyond 1 mtr from the coil. Two versions of the coil DM 200 and DM 300 with round port of 200 and 300 mm respectively are in our current line of production, for safety MCB provided. The coils work of 230V AC, 50 Cycle, Single phase supply and give very satisfactory results.

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Bar Testing Machines

This SPM is with Spring grip facility and used for testing surface as well as subsurface defects or cracks in bar. This machine is also available with coil type for longitudinal Magnetisation for checking circular cracks and circular Magnetisation fir lognitudinal cracks. This is provided with Spring grips where compressed air is not available.

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Inline Crack Detection


A special purpose machine designed for detection of all surface and sub surface cracks. This machine is specially designed for in line crack detection. In this finished or semi finished products are kept on indexing table and automatically get magnetised one by one. After cycle start operation through PLC control. Two types of mag is provided, CIR as well as longitudal and also COMB facility and auto/manual mode is provided.

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Universal Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection

ONE MACHINE WITH MULTI - PURPOSE USE FOR ROW MATERIAL TO FINISH JOBS. CIRCULAR - MAGNETISATION ( Head shot ) or Prod. LONGITUDINAL - MAGNETISATION with COIL technique.Capacity of coil diameter 200 mm COIL portal dia.200 mm with 6 step variable control switch. Magnetisation time control by timer with Trigger / Foot / Remote operation switch. Dark room facility with Rexene cover and curtains with folding arrangement. U. V. Tube light or BULB facility for inspection hair line and fine cracks. Circulation system for wet magnetic bath with tank and pump. Job clamping facility with spring loaded stock with 5 Kgs. pressure.

Bar Testing Machines * Belt Conveyors * Chain Conveyors * Crack Detector For Axle Beam (Crack Detection Spm) * Crack Detector For Crank Shaft (Crack Detection Spm) * Crack Detector For Seamless Tubes Spm For Crack Detection Automation * Crack Detector For Strub Axle Spm For Crack Detection Automation * Crack Detector For Valves Spm For Crack Detection Automation * Demagnetisers * Inline Crack Detection * Link Belt Conveyors * Mobile Type Crack Detectors * Oil Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection Automation * Portable Type Crack Detectors * Products * Roller Conveyors * Slat Chain Conveyors Slat Conveyor Systems * Universal Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection * Wire Mesh Conveyors * Yoke Type Crack Detectors Crack Detection